Statement of Ethics

Statement of Ethics
I will to the best of my ability work within the ethical guidelines of the art community
I will do my very best to ethically assemble and complete any and all projects
Any unauthorized use of content will not be tolerated.
I will not negotiate the sale or transfer of any content given me or shared with me
I will make it my duty to protect all content and strive to protect
the integrity and privacy of all content given me by others.
Please be reminded however that your content here is only protected by integrity.
Your content is subject to phishing and piracy.
I will do my very best to give proper credit and to site the materials used.
All materials used by myself will be used free of copy write law
I will only use open source and properly licensed materials

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This is my attempt at Collage. I did this image as a part of a Advanced Graphic Design Course I am taking. I have done this type of artwo...